
The Beginning

For every great trend there's an inspiring force that started it all, and for that inspiring force to start that great trend, someone needs to recognize it. Thats why I'm here. I'll be slaving away at all hours of the night after I'm done with all my school crap to bring you stories and information about the things that the average college student actually cares about. And hell, even if you don't care about it, hopefully I'll be able to keep your attention long enough to learn a little more about what I write about. 

So, straying from all that introduction bull-shit, I'll let you know a little bit about myself. My name is Theresa and I'm a freshman at Temple University (where I'll be basing most of my stories from.) I'm majoring in Photojournalism, so obviously I love photography and writing. I currently work for The Temple News as one of their many photographers. I'm pretty much the average college kid; I go out at night, sleep whenever given the slightest chance, and eat things that will probably lead me to go into cardiac arrest at way too young of an age, but I love it here and wouldn't change that for anything. I graduated from an all girls school called St Basils (yes, it sucked) and I'm a lifeguard in the summer. You can probably find me kickin it around my dorm, walking the campus or sitting in Starbucks working on my latest assignments. I'm quiet but not shy, don't be fooled. Someday I want to work for National Geographic, so, hey, why not get started writing now?

Alright, thats enough about me (I give you credit if you're still reading this) now onto my plans for this blog. I hope to, as soon as I get my crap together, start blogging every week. I plan to have updates every Sunday on things that you won't find in your normal corner newspaper vendors. Thats what online blogs are all about, right? Stories to come include coverage of the new movie Choke (based on a novel by my favorite writer, Chuck Palahniuk), an inside look at the Temple football team, the campus' best food carts, an interview with hot local band Crossing At Red Lights, a look into the ROTC program at Temple (its some intense stuff, believe me), some behind-the-scenes action with a local radio station, and much more. So, if you're bored between classes, can't sleep at night, or looking for a distraction from writing that billion-page paper, come check out The Grit, I promise you won't be disappointed.

Thanks for giving me that few minutes out of your life, and I hope you come back soon. Also, if you have anything you would like to see on here, or any feedback at all, good, bad, pointless, anything...shoot me an e-mail any time: theresa.regan@temple.edu .



Ps. Here's an inspiring message that I read on my coffee cup today. Just a little something to get your brain pumping. (Journalism majors will do that to you more often than not.)

"The world bursts at the seams with people ready to tell you you're not good enough. On occasion, some may be correct. But do not do their work for them. Seek any job; ask anyone out; pursue any goal. Don't take it personally when they say "no" -- They may not be smart enough to say "yes"."
--Keith Olbermann


Gabrielle Clark said...

your blog sucks!! ( ^_^ ) jk. still love you..

(suitemate. the COOLEST one. guess!)

cehls said...

Love it theresa (: keep up the wonderful work, i'm so very glad that you are persuing something that you love.